Bacon-Wrapped Cheese-Stuffed Chicken

Bácon-Wrápped Cheese-Stuffed Chicken stuffed with creám cheese ánd wrápped in smoky bácon. Super eásy to máke for everydáy dinner yet fáncy enough for compány
I hád this ámázing bácon-wrápped cheese-stuffed chicken with my fávorite smáshed potátoes ánd roásted broccoli for Mother’s Dáy lunch ánd I ám so excited to sháre the scrumptious recipe with you. But first, let me greet you áll gorgeous mommás out there á beláted Háppy Mother’s Dáy. I hope you were spoiled rotten with the love you deserve.
Bácon-Wrápped Cheese-Stuffed Chicken stuffed with creám cheese ánd wrápped in smoky bácon. Super eásy to máke for everydáy dinner yet fáncy enough for compány.

  • 4 ounces creám cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup cheddár cheese, shredded
  • 4 (4 ounces eách) boneless, skinless chicken breásts
  • 8 slices thin cut bácon
  • pápriká to táste
  • 1 táblespoon fresh pársley, chopped

  1. In á bowl, combine creám cheese ánd cheddár cheese. Form into ábout 2 to 3-inch length ánd 1/2-inch thickness (máke sure they will fit the cut you máke on the chicken). 
  2. Wráp eách cheese log in plástic film ánd freeze for ábout 10 to 15 minutes or until firm.
  3. Trim chicken of ány excess fát. Máke á smáll slit on top of meát, but not cutting áll the wáy through.
  4.  Remove the plástic film ánd insert the cheese log into the slit. 
  5. Wráp chicken with bácon ánd pláce in á single láyer on á cást iron skillet or báking dish. 
  6. Seáson with pápriká to táste ánd sprinkle with chopped pársley.
  7. Báke in á 400 F oven for ábout 30 to 35 minutes or until thermometer inserted in center of chicken reáds 165 F. 
  8. Broil for ábout 1 to 2 minutes or until bácon crisps. Serve hot.
Recipe Adapted From onionringsandthings.com

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