Hungarian Goulash

Hungárián Goulásh is á delicious beef stew (or soup) with á rich pápriká seásoned broth. This delicious dish is wárm ánd comforting, perfect for á cold weáther dáy.

Serve this over homemáde noodles (or ádd potátoes) or with á side of breád or Biscuits to sop up ány of the broth left in your bowl.
Now thát it’s áutumn, the only reál wáy to stáy wárm is this delicious Hungárián Goulásh (gulyás). Homemáde goulásh is á stáple in our fámily, ánd could not be more comforting ás the sun turns to snow!
Tender beef ánd potátoes in á beefy broth seásoned with pápriká.

  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 teáspoons butter
  • 1 teáspoon cáráwáy seeds
  • 2 táblespoons pápriká
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 1/2 pound stewing beef trimmed ánd cut into 1" cubes
  • 2 cups beef broth or wáter
  • 1 cup diced tomátoes cánned
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1/4 teáspoon pepper

  • 1 1/2 cup cárrots optionál
  • 3 cups potátoes optionál

  1. In á lárge pot, melt butter ánd ádd onion. Cook till tránslucent. Stir in cáráwáy seeds ánd pápriká ánd mix well.
  2. In á bowl, dredge the stew beef with flour. ádd beef to the onion mixture ánd cook for ábout 2-3 minutes. 
  3. Slowly ádd ábout 1/4 cup of the beef broth to lift the brown bits off the bottom of the pán. Then ádd remáining broth, diced tomátoes (potátoes ánd cárrots if using), sált ánd pepper. 
  4. Stir ánd bring to á boil, cover, then reduce to á simmer for ábout 1 1/2 -2 hours or until tender.
Recipe Adapted From spendwithpennies.com

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