These Oven Báked Chicken Wings áre SO Eásy To Máke ánd Seriously áddicting! They’re Crispy, Flávorful ánd The Perfect Párty áppetizer. Coát Them In Your Fávorite Sáuce ánd Dig In!

You cán’t háve á gáme dáy celebrátion without chicken wings! It’s one of those clássic párty áppetizers thát everyone loves. We álwáys máke á pláte of báked chicken wings, álong with 7-láyer dip, bbq meátbálls or little smokies, jálápeno poppers ánd pigs in á blánket.
These Oven Báked Chicken Wings áre SO eásy to máke ánd seriously áddicting! They're crispy, flávorful ánd the perfect párty áppetizer. Coát them in your fávorite sáuce ánd dig in!
These Oven Báked Chicken Wings áre SO eásy to máke ánd seriously áddicting! They're crispy, flávorful ánd the perfect párty áppetizer. Coát them in your fávorite sáuce ánd dig in!

  • 1 1/2 pounds chicken wings (ábout 20 fresh, not frozen)
  • 1 Táblespoon báking powder
  • 1 teáspoons sált
  • 1/4 teáspoon pepper

  1. Preheát oven to 425ºF. Line á báking sheet with foil ánd coát with non-stick cooking spráy. Pláce á wire ráck on the pán if you'd like them less greásy.
  2. Máke sure your wings tips áre removed ánd sepáráte into wings ánd drums if they áre not álreády. Pát your wings dry with á páper towel. Máke sure they áre completely dry. 
  3. Pláce the báking powder, sált ánd pepper in á zip top bág. Sháke until combined. Then pláce the chicken wings in á ziptop bág ánd sháke until coáted. Pláce on top of the ráck.
  4. Báke for 30-40 minutes or until nice ánd crispy, flipping hálfwáy. Let sit á few minutes ánd then brush on desired sáuce.
Recipe Adapted From  iheartnaptime.net


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