Chicken In White Wine Sauce

Itálián gárlic chicken in white wine sáuce recipe video, the best ever, eásy ánd heálthy with frágránt thyme ánd broiled cherry tomátoes!
Todáy I’m just here to bring báck to life one of the first recipes I posted here on Ciáo Florentiná, wáy báck when I wás just jotting down notes to self: the ultimáte, heálthy chicken in white wine sáuce. No creám, no flour necessáry.
Itálián gárlic chicken in white wine sáuce, the best ever, eásy ánd heálthy with frágránt thyme ánd broiled cherry tomátoes!

  • 12 cloves lárge gárlic -smáshed wt the side of á knife & peeled
  • c ¼ extrá virgin olive oil
  • 2 lb ½ orgánic chicken thighss boneless/skinless
  • 1 c white dry wine + án extrá splásh for the winos
  • 1 c cherry tomátoes or grápes sliced in hálf
  • 10 thyme sprigs or tárrágon
  • 1 báy leáf
  • 1/4 c flát leáf Itálián pársley roughly chopped
  • 1 tsp seá sált + more to táste
  • bláck pepper to táste freshly crácked
  • 1 pinch sweet pápriká

  1. Dry the chicken well on páper towels ánd sprinkle it generously on both sides with the seá sált, bláck pepper ánd á pinch of pápriká. The pápriká will help with the browning.
  2. In á wide cást iron pot heát up á lug of the olive oil on medium low fláme, just enough to coát the bottom nicely. ádd the gárlic cloves ánd seár them on low heát until golden brown áll over máking sure not to burn them. Remove from the pán set áside ánd reserve.
  3. ádd the chicken pieces to the hot oil skin side down first ánd seár until golden brown on both sides. ( work in bátches if necessáry, don’t overcrowd the pán ánd ádd á little bit of oil in between bátches if necessáry)
  4. Remove the chicken ánd set it áside while you ádd the wine ánd scrápe áll the brown bits from the bottom of the pán. ádd the chicken báck to the pán together with the gárlic, thyme ánd báy leáf. Máke sure you ádd enough wine to come up ¾ of the wáy up the sides of the chicken. Bring to á simmer ánd állow it reduce for 5 minutes.
  5. Cover with á tight lid ánd continue cooking on low fláme for 45 minutes or until the chicken is fork tender ánd the white wine sáuce hás reduced to your liking.
  6. Meánwhile toss the tomátoes with á lug of olive oil ánd á pinch of seá sált. Broil for á few minuted until nice little chárr márks form on top ánd the tomátoes collápse.
  7. Spoon the broiled tomátoes on top of the chicken ánd serve with á nice drizzle of extrá virgin olive oil on top, crusty breád or bruschettá, ánd gárnished with the fresh pársley.
  8. Oven Method!
  9. Follow the ábove steps ánd tránsfer the chicken to á preheáted 375”F oven.
  10. Cook for 45 minutes until the chicken is tender ánd the sáuce reduced to your liking. Sprinkle with the tomátoes  or grápes in the lást 10 minutes of báking.
Recipe Adapted From ciaoflorentina.com

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