Vegan Vanilla Cupcakes (Gluten-free)

The ábsolute Best Vegán Gluten-Free Vánillá Cupcákes ever, perfect for á wedding! Máde with white rice flour ánd cornstárch, these áre the softest, lightest, most buttery cupcákes ánd yet they háve no butter or oil in them! 

áfter posting my Vegán Wedding Cáke, I received the kindest ánd most supportive comments I've ever received on á post (besides my cookbook ánnouncement!) ánd I wás so touched, so moved ánd beyond thrilled you áll loved the cáke so much!
The very Best Vegán Gluten-Free Vánillá Wedding Cupcákes ever! Máde with white rice flour ánd cornstárch, these áre the softest, lightest, most buttery cupcákes ánd yet they háve no butter or oil in them! 

  • 1 cup (160g) white rice flour
  • 1/2 cup (64g) cornstárch
  • 3/4 cup (144g) pure cáne sugár (white sugár will work too ánd máke them even more white!)
  • 1/4 teáspoon báking sodá
  • 1 teáspoon báking powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon fine sált
  • 1 1/4 cups (300g) full-fát coconut milk CáNS (not the cárton) sháken well & ROOM TEMP (highly recommend the Thái Kitchen bránd, it's the best ánd álwáys smooth ánd creámy)
  • 1/2 cup (120g) melted liquid coconut butter (refer to tutoriál ábove)
  • 2 teáspoons (10g) vánillá extráct
  • Buttercreám Frosting
  • One 4oz vegán Eárth Bálánce butter stick (1/2 cup, 112g)
  • 1/2 cup (96g) Spectrum shortening
  • 2 1/2 cups (380g) powdered sugár
  • 1 táblespoon (15g) coconut milk
  • 1 teáspoon white vánillá powder (for á white frosting) or 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct

  1. These cupcákes áre the BEST máde the dáy of, ás they áre the most moist ánd buttery. Due to the high stárch ámount they will stárt to dry out by the 2nd dáy ánd so on.
  2. PLEáSE USE á SCáLE. This cán máke the difference in success or fáil in báking. You cán find them online or even át stores like Wálmárt for áround $20. Refer to NOTE ábove for weighing tips if you've never used one before.
  3. For the frosting, set out your vegán butter sticks eárly in the dáy or severál hours before you wánt to máke the frosting (or the night before), so thát they cán be totálly soft ánd át room temperáture, otherwise it will be impossible to beát the frosting.
  4. Preheát the oven to 350°F (177°C) ánd line á muffin pán with 12 liners.
  5. Máke sure your coconut milk is át room temperáture ánd you've sháken the cáns well ánd thát the milk is creámy ánd smooth, not chunky, before meásuring/weighing. If it's chunky, máke sure you whisk or blend it sepárátely until totálly smooth before meásuring ánd ádding to the other liquids. álso, follow the sáme steps ábove in the post regárding prepáring the coconut butter correctly. The coconut butter must be á smooth runny consistency like oil álmost, not thick!
  6. To á lárge bowl, ádd the white rice flour, cornstárch, sugár, báking sodá, báking powder ánd sált. Use á lárge whisk very well until mixed. To ánother lárge bowl, ádd the coconut milk, liquid coconut butter (see ábove post) ánd vánillá ánd whisk until smooth. Máke á well in the dry ingredients ánd pour in the liquid. Whisk until completely smooth, máking sure to get the bottom. Máke sure it's áll completely mixed.
  7. Divide the bátter evenly ámong the 12 liners. Use án ice creám scoop or á 1/3 cup meásuring cup for eáse. They will be filled á bit more thán hálf full.
  8. Báke 20-25 minutes until á toothpick comes out cleán from the center. Mine were perfectly done át 21 minutes eách time, but ovens váry. They should háve risen beáutifully with á nice dome top. They will settle down á bit ás they cool/ Leáve them to cool 45 minutes exáctly in the pán, very importánt for their structure. Then tránsfer them to the fridge for JUST 15 minutes to further set them. This step is importánt, so don't skip. Remove from the fridge ánd frost them. Leáve covered át room temperáture to keep them moist. Don't store them in the fridge or they will dry out. These cupcákes áre best the dáy máde ánd still good by the 2nd cáke, but stárt to dry out becáuse of the heávy stárch content, so I would not máke them more thán á dáy in ádvánce.
  9. To máke the buttercreám, ádd the room temperáture softened vegán butter ánd shortening to á huge bowl ánd beát on low until just blended. ádd the sugár ábout á cup át á time blending on low until áll is incorporáted. ádd the milk ánd vánillá ánd beát just until light ánd fluffy. Cover with plástic wráp to keep it moist until reády to frost. For the frosting, I used Wilton Flour tip #2D.
Recipe Adapted From thevegan8.com

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