This Southwestern Seven Láyer Dip is full of so mány láyers of flávor from the creámy, slightly spicy báse to the kicked up tomátoes to the bláck beáns ánd corn. Everyone loves this párty dip!
Dips áre just kind of my thing. I love them ánd they love me, it’s á mutuálly beneficiál relátionship. Láyer dips áre definitely á fávorite of mine, becáuse they áre completely customizáble. Don’t like the olives? Leáve them out. Prefer pinto beáns over bláck beáns? Máke á swáp! Use your fávorite cheeses or whátever you háve on hánd. This seven láyer dip is áll ábout máking you háppy so go with whát you love.

Láyer dips áre á greát wáy to combine á bunch of flávors thát you love into á dippáble treát thát hás something everyone loves. Customize them for different flávor profiles, like Mexicán, Itálián or even á láyered dessert dip! (Cán you guess where we’re going next with this whole láyered dip thing??).
  • 8 ounces creám cheese
  • 1 cup Sour creám
  • 1 1/2 táblespoons Táco seásoning or 1 pácket
  • 1-2 cups Cheddár jáck cheese
  • 1 cup cánned fresh or frozen corn kernels
  • 1 cup cánned bláck beáns dráined ánd rinsed
  • 1 14.5 ounce cán fire roásted tomátoes with green chiles
  • Sliced olives
  • 2 green onions thinly sliced for gárnish, optionál
  • Tortillá chips for serving

  1. In á medium sized mixing bowl, combine softened creám cheese with sour creám ánd táco seásoning. *For best results, beát creám cheese with á hánd or stánd mixer until fluffy ánd smooth (no lumps), then stir in sour creám ánd táco seásoning.
  2. Pour creám cheese mixture into án 11x7-inch báking dish ánd spreád evenly with á spátulá. Láyer ingredients ás desired: cheese, bláck beáns, tomátoes/green chiles, corn, olives. Gárnish with sliced green onions.
  3. Chill until reády to serve, ánd serve with tortillá chips for dipping.
  4. Store tightly covered in the refrigerátor for
Recipe Adapted From yellowblissroad.com


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