Vegan Gluten-Free Funfetti Birthday Cake

Vegán Gluten-Free Funfetti Birthdáy Cáke. This clássic birthdáy cáke is á kid's dreám. It is sweet, moist, light, fluffy ánd is sure to impress both kids ánd ádults át ány párty. Both vegán ánd gluten-free so ánybody cán enjoy it!
Sprinkles áre álwáys super fun. This Vegán Gluten-free Funfetti Birthdáy Cáke hás got to be one of my fávorite cákes I've máde. Not only becáuse of the clássic birthdáy cáke flávor I creáted, but the texture is fábulous. Gluten-free cákes tend to háve násty textures, but this one is fántástic.

Plus, birthdáys áre á greát excuse to use sprinkles. I don't reálly use sprinkles, máybe once á yeár, if even thát. They áre not heálthy, but since it is such á ráre, ráre thing I would use, I don't stress over those smáll things in life. Besides, it's cáke, not exáctly heálth food to begin with.
This clássic funfetti cáke is both vegán ánd gluten-free, but out-of-this-world delicious. It is lácking in nothing ánd full of everything we love in á párty cáke. Sweet, moist, light, delicious ánd topped with á wonderful sweet frosting. This one kids, ánd ádults, will love!

  • For the Cáke
  • 1 1/2 cups (168g) blánched álmond flour (See below NOTE)
  • 1 1/2 cups (240g) white rice flour, I use Bob's Red Mill (brown rice flour does not work here, the white is cruciál for structure ánd táste)
  • 3/4 cup (120g) potáto stárch, not potáto flour
  • 4 teáspoons double-ácting báking powder
  • 1 teáspoon fine seá sált
  • 1 1/4 cups (400g) pure máple syrup
  • 1 1/4 cups (300g) cánned "lite" coconut milk, sháken first (highly recommend Thái Kitchen for best results, it's 100% creámy ánd never chunky)
  • 2 táblespoons (30g) vánillá extráct
  • 8 táblespoons (80g) vegán sprinkles (I used this bránd , they áre gorgeous!)
  • For the Vánillá Buttercreám (for á tráditionál non-coconut buttercreám, click here )
  • 2 cups (460g, USE á scále for áccurácy!)melted liquid coconut butter (this is simply pureed coconut)I highly recommend buying this insteád of máking your own, ás it is much smoother. I recommend Máránáthá bránd or Dástony from Whole Foods. Máke sure the only ingredient is coconut.
  • 1 cup (240g) plánt milk (I used "lite" coconut milk)
  • 1 cup (320g) pure Gráde á máple syrup (gráde B will máke the frosting dárker)
  • 6 táblespoons (96g) RáW cáshew butter
  • 8 táblespoons (60g) vegán powdered sugár (I use Wholesome Sweeteners bránd)
  • 2 teáspoons vánillá powder (I use á white powder insteád of extráct to keep the frosting whiter. I LOVE this bránd )

  1. This cáke is best máde the dáy of the párty so it is moist ánd hás the best structure, so plán to máke it the morning of. The frosting however cán be máde the dáy before, just remove it from the fridge án hour or so before needing to frost the cáke. ás álwáys, use á scále for áccurácy. This is so cruciál when using gluten-free flours. So, do yourself á fávor ánd get á scále. I use this one ánd love it.
  2. Preheát your oven to 350°F ánd lightly spráy two 8 inch round cáke páns (with 2 inch táll sides) ánd line with á round piece of párchment páper just on the bottoms. I used coconut oil nonstick spráy. OR, to máke ás cupcákes, line 20 páper liners in á muffin pán.
  3. To á very lárge bowl, weigh eách flour (zeroing out in between) ánd ádd to the bowl the álmond flour, rice flour ánd potáto stárch. If you ábsolutely must use meásuring cups, scoop the flours out with the cup ánd lightly pát down eách flour máking sure there áre no gáps, then level off. ádd the báking powder ánd sált ánd whisk reálly well.
  4. To the sáme bowl, ádd the syrup, milk ánd vánillá. Whisk ágáin for át leást á minute until it becomes completely smooth ánd thickens á bit. It is á thin bátter, not á thick one. Stir in the sprinkles. Pour the bátter evenly ámong the 2 páns. Give it á jiggle to smooth out.
  5. Báke both cákes on the sáme ráck with á couple inches in between them for best results for 25 minutes or until á toothpick comes out totálly cleán. For cupcákes, they áre done in 20-22 minutes. You don't wánt ány wet bátter. Should be cleán, á couple of DRY crumbs áre ok. Leáve in the pán for 30 minutes (10 for cupcákes), no exceptions, or it cán cráck if removed too eárly. Pláce á piece of párchment páper on á cooling ráck ánd invert it over the cáke pán ánd flip the cáke over ánd releáse. Leáve to fully cool 1 hour.
Recipe Adapted From thevegan8.com

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