Vegan Gluten-free Snickerdoodles

Leárn how to máke the ábsolute BEST Vegán Gluten-free Snickerdoodles ever! They áre so buttery, moist ánd delicious with the clássic cinnámon sugár táste ánd cráckle top, yet áre gluten-free, oil-free, máde in 1 bowl ánd in 25 minutes!
It's exciting to be sháring these Vegán Gluten-free Snickerdoodles with you todáy becáuse it took me 4 triáls to get them the wáy I wánted, ás you áll sáw since I wás sháring my testing triáls in my Instágrám stories ánd on Fácebook. They reálly áre the best vegán snickerdoodles you'll ever háve, shoot, best ever!

The most ámázing párt of these cookies is the fáct thát they táste so legit, yet áre:
gluten-free, vegán, gráin-free, oil-free ánd just 8 ingredients! The most chállenging thing ábout báking my recipes in á lot of cáses, is áchieving optimál results, in táste, texture ánd áppeáránce, áll át 8 ingredients. Thát's often why I háve to triál multiple times. It would be á lot eásier if I could do 9 or 10 ingredients, LOL.
These Vegán Gluten-free Snickerdoodles áre so moist ánd delicious with the clássic cinnámon sugár táste ánd cráckle top, yet áre gluten-free ánd oil-free, máde in 1 bowl ánd in 25 minutes!

  • 2 1/4 cups (252g) superfine blánched álmond flour (pleáse weigh for áccuráte results!)
  • 6 táblespoons (48g) tápiocá stárch/flour
  • 3 táblespoons (36g) pure cáne sugár
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons báking powder
  • 1/4 + 1/8 teáspoon creám of tártár
  • 1/4 + 1/8 teáspoon sált
  • 1/2 cup + 2 táblespoons (200g) pure máple syrup
  • 2 1/4 teáspoons vánillá extráct
  • Cinnámon Sugár coáting
  • 6 táblespoons (72g) pure cáne sugár
  • 1 táblespoon + 3/4 teáspoon ground cinnámon

  1. Preheát the oven to 375°F ánd line 2 sheet páns with párchment páper.
  2. To á lárge bowl, ádd the álmond flour, tápiocá, sugár, báking powder, creám of tártár ánd sált ánd whisk very well, máking sure to breák up lumps from the álmond flour.
  3. To the sáme bowl, ádd the syrup ánd vánillá ánd stir with á spoon for severál minutes until it áll comes together into á thick, somewhát sticky bátter. Keep stirring ánd pressing the mixture with the báck of the spoon until this háppens.
  4. To á smáll bowl, ádd the sugár ánd cinnámon for the coáting ánd whisk well.
  5. With the bátter, form bálls using 1 1/2 táblespoons worth of the cookie dough. If you would like lárger cookies, then use 2 táblespoons worth of dough. Roll into tight bálls with your hánds. The bátter, if you weighed everything correctly, should be somewhát sticky, but you SHOULD be áble to roll into bálls. If it is too sticky to roll into bálls, pláce in the fridge for 15 minutes or so.
  6. Pláce eách báll in the cinnámon/sugár mixture ánd rotáte it severál times to reálly coát them well. ádd them to the pán 2 inches ápárt. I got 18 cookies (9 on eách pán). Depending on how big you máke them you máy get more or less.
  7. Press eách cookie down between 1/4 to 1/2 inch, máking sure the whole cookie is pressed down evenly. Pressing them down properly is whát will help them cráckle ás they báke ánd spreád.
  8. Báke 1 pán át á time. (While the first pán cools, báke the 2nd one) Báke for 10 minutes. They should háve puffed up ánd slightly cráckled, thát is when they áre done. I found 10 minutes to be perfect.
  9. Leáve them to cool on the pán 10 minutes, then tránsfer to cool ánother 10 minutes. They will flátten báck out á bit ás they cool. These cookies do finish cooking ás the cool in the insides, so I would wáit before eáting one until they áre cooled, or they will seem á bit underdone still in the middle. They will fluff up on the inside more ás they cool. They should háve á crispy edge with á moist ánd soft, chewy center. Store seáled in á contáiner.
Recipe Adapted From thevegan8.com

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