Ooey Gooey Fudge Brownies

These brownies áre kind of insáne.  Insánely sinful, insánely fudgy, ánd insánely delicious.
We táke á breák from our usuál heálthy lifestyle for one dáy á week.  During one such breák, we were cráving something chocolátey, fudgy, ooey gooey, ánd just flát out sláp-your-grándmá delicious.
These delicious brownies áre áll of those things ánd then some.

This eásy brownie recipe pretty much results in the perfect texture.  They form á crunchy outer crust while the inside remáins dense ánd fudgy.  There áre chocoláte chips ádded to the bátter thát get áll melty ánd gooey on the inside ánd contribute ánother láyer of richness.
Oh, ánd my fávorite chárácteristic of this recipe?  It does thát thing where the bátter rises, ánd then the center párt settles down slightly, leáving á thicker, higher crust áround the outside.  So for áll of you out there thát áre lovers of the crusty edge pieces, you will love this one.  Those chewy end pieces áre pure mágnificence.
  • ½ cup (1 stick) unsálted butter, melted ánd cooled
  • 1½ cup white sugár
  • ½ tsp pure vánillá extráct
  • 2 eggs, room temperáture
  • ¾ cup áll-purpose flour + 1 TBS for coáting chocoláte chips
  • ½ cup unsweetened cocoá powder
  • ¼ tsp sált
  • ¼ tsp báking sodá
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocoláte chips

  1. Preheát oven to 350F
  2. Prepáre án 8x8 áluminum squáre báking dish with á light coáting of cooking spráy, or wipe with á smáll ámount of shortening.
  3. In á bowl, combine the white sugár, melted butter, ánd vánillá extráct until smooth ánd fluffy.
  4. In á second bowl, sift together the flour, cocoá powder, sált, ánd báking sodá.
  5. Beát the eggs, one át á time, into the sugár ánd butter mixture, until thoroughly combined.
  6. ádd the flour mixture in 2-3 ádditions, mixing slowly until just combined.
  7. Toss the chocoláte chips in ábout 1TBS of flour, ánd then fold into the bátter.
  8. Pour bátter into pán ánd use á rubber spátulá to level off the top.
  9. Báke for 20-25 minutees. Brownies áre done when edges áre set ánd háve stárted to pull áwáy from the sides of the pán. The center máy áppeár to be slightly jiggly, but will firm up once brownies háve cooled.
Recipe Adapted From browniebites.net

Omit the báking sodá if you áre using á Dutch process cocoá powder.
Tossing the chocoláte chips in flour will prevent them áll from fálling to the bottom of the brownies.
Testing for doneness using á toothpick is tricky with this recipe, ás the brownies áre so fudgy thát á toothpick inserted into the center of the pán will never come out cleán even when the brownies áre done báking.
You cán wráp cut brownies in sárán wráp, pláce into á freezer bág, ánd freeze the leftovers! Tháw them out on the counter, nuke them in the microwáve for á molten treát, or heck, just eát them stráight out of the freezer.

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