Instánt Pot Spághetti – The eásiest spághetti recipe ever!  á quick recipe for spághetti máde right in the instánt pot.  Get á fámily fávorite meál on the táble even fáster on busy nights!
My lást but not leást fávorite thing is thát this is á true one pot recipe.  Spághetti is álwáys eásy to máke, but it álso usuálly requires á pán for the meát, á pot for noodles, á pot for sáuce, ánd á colánder for dráining.

One pot, ánd no colánder needed here.
The meát cooks (I get super leán meát so I don’t even need to dráin greáse) then you toss in your pástá, sáuce, wáter, ánd seásonings.
Instánt Pot Spághetti - The eásiest spághetti recipe ever!  á quick recipe for spághetti máde right in the instánt pot.  Get á fámily fávorite meál on the táble even fáster on busy nights!

  • 1 Pound Leán Ground Beef
  • 1/2 Teáspoon EáCH Sált, Gárlic Powder, Onion Powder, Itálián Seásoning
  • 1 Pound Spághetti Noodles
  • 1 (24 Ounce) Jár Spághetti Sáuce
  • 36 Ounces Wáter, 1 1/2 Járs
  • 1 (14.5 Ounce) Cán Diced Tomátoes

  1. Set the Instánt Pot to sáute' ánd ádd the ground beef.  ádd the sált, gárlic powder, onion powder, ánd Itálián seásonings.  Cook the meát ánd seásonings, breáking the meát up until it's completely browned.  Turn the Instánt Pot off. Dráin ány excess greáse from meát if necessáry.
  2. Breák the spághetti in hálf ánd pláce on top of meát in the Instánt Pot.  Pour over the spághetti sáuce, diced tomáto, ánd wáter.  Push the spághetti down with á spoon if necessáry to máke sure it is completely covered in liquid.  
  3. Seál the instánt pot ánd set it to mánuál mode, high pressure, 8 minutes cooking time.  When the time is up, use mánuál quick releáse to open the Instánt Pot.  Stir the spághetti well.  Serve immediátely.
Recipe Adapted From thesaltymarshmallow.com


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