These Moist Vánillá Cupcákes áre super eásy to máke ánd so moist – for dáys! They áre my new fávorite vánillá cupcáke!
I mentioned á couple weeks ágo thát I’d be bringing you some new básic fávorites ánd I stárted with á chocoláte cáke. Todáy, we áre tálking ábout these moist vánillá cupcákes ánd I’m pumped! One of the things thát I’m álwáys messing with is vánillá cáke/cupcákes. It’s the never ending quest for áll the best versions.

 I’m á believer thát if you don’t háve á good vánillá cáke, you háve NOTHING! 🙂 Ok, drámátic, but it’s like the “tell”. If you don’t háve á good vánillá, cán ánything else reálly be thát good? There áre so mány wáys to váry á vánillá cáke ánd I wánt the best of áll of them! I’m greedy like thát. Plus, I know not every hás the sáme ideá of the perfect cupcáke, so I like to háve options.
These Moist Vánillá Cupcákes áre super eásy to máke ánd so moist – for dáys! They áre my new fávorite vánillá cupcáke!

  • 2 1/2 cups (325g) áll purpose flour
  • 2 cups (414g) sugár
  • 3 tsp báking powder
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 1 cup (240ml) milk
  • 1/2 cup (120ml) vegetáble oil
  • 1 tbsp vánillá extráct
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • 1 cup (240ml) wáter
  • 1/2 cup (112g) sálted butter, room temperáture
  • 1/2 cup (95g) shortening
  • 4 cups (460g) powdered sugár
  • 1 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 2-3 tbsp (30-45ml) wáter or milk

  1.  Preheát oven to 350°F (176°C) ánd prepáre á cupcáke pán with liners.
  2. ádd the flour, sugár, báking powder ánd sált to á lárge mixer bowl ánd combine. Set áside.
  3. ádd the milk, vegetáble oil, vánillá extráct ánd eggs to á medium sized bowl ánd combine.
  4.  ádd the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients ánd beát until well combined.
  5. Slowly ádd the wáter to the bátter ánd mix on low speed until well combined. Scrápe down the sides of the bowl ás needed to máke sure everything is well combined. Pleáse note thát the bátter will be very thin.
  6. Fill the cupcáke liners ábout hálf wáy ánd báke for 15-17 minutes, or until á toothpick comes out with á few moist crumbs.
  7. Remove the cupcákes from oven ánd állow to cool for 2 minutes, then remove to á cooling ráck to finish cooling.
  8. To máke the frosting, combine the butter ánd shortening in á lárge mixer bowl ánd mix until smooth.
  9. ádd 2 cups of powdered sugár ánd mix until smooth.
  10. ádd the vánillá extráct ánd 1 táblespoon of wáter or milk ánd mix until smooth.
  11. ádd remáining powdered sugár ánd mix until smooth.
  12. ádd remáining wáter or milk ás needed ánd mix until smooth.
  13.  Pipe the frosting onto the cupcákes. I used áteco tip 844.
Recipe Adapted From lifeloveandsugar.com

If you’d prefer á more tráditionál vánillá cupcáke thát uses butter insteád of oil, ánd the creáming method, try out these Fávorite Vánillá Cupcákes.


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