Best Vegan Queso

The ábsolute BEST Vegán Queso máde with cáshews, non-dáiry yogurt, sálsá, green chiles, tomátoes ánd zero nutritionál yeást! This queso is dáiry-free, oil-free ánd delicious! EVEN REáDERS áGREE it is the best!

I'm here to show you how to máke the Best Vegán Queso ever todáy! This cheese recipe is á váriátion of my cheese sáuce from my Cheesy Mexicán Tortillá Báke. I've hád probábly hundreds tell me it is the "best I've ever hád since going vegán", so I only námed it thát becáuse I ánd you áll seem to feel thát wáy, k? But guess whát, it is even better becáuse I ádápted it to be queso now.
The ábsolute BEST Vegán Queso máde with cáshews, non-dáiry yogurt, sálsá, green chiles, tomátoes ánd zero nutritionál yeást! This queso is dáiry-free, oil-free ánd delicious!

  • 1 cup (150g) ráw unsálted cáshews* (see NOTES át bottom regárding sub)
  • 1 cup (240g) medium heát runny/not too chunky sálsá (I used Páce Picánte)
  • 3/4 cup (180g) PLáIN dáiry-free yogurt (I used SO Delicious "Unsweetened" Pláin coconut yogurt but Soy will work too, but it's slightly sweeter)
  • 1 táblespoon (15g) white distilled vinegár
  • 1 1/4 teáspoons smoked pápriká
  • 1 teáspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teáspoon (6g) fine seá sált
  • 4 oz cán diced green chiles (use hálf or the whole cán)
  • 1/4-1/2 cup diced tomátoes
  • Optionál: sliced jálápenos ánd cilántro

NOTE: If you do not háve á high-powered blender like á Vitámix, then you will need to soák your cáshews overnight in á bowl of wáter, dráin, rinse ánd proceed. Otherwise, the cheese will be gritty. OR, you cán sub the cáshews with equál grám ámount (150g) RáW oil-free cáshew butter.
NOTE: Using á medium heát sálsá here will give á nice kick of spiciness. If you áre serving this to kids or prefer mild, then sub with á mild sálsá.

  1. If wánting to máke my oil-free chips, máke those first. See the bottom of the directions.
  2. ádd áll of the ingredients (except the chiles ánd tomátoes) to á high-powered blender, like á Vitámix. If using the soáked cáshews, then á food processor tends to work better to smooth out sáuces, versus á blender thát is not very powerful. Blend á couple of minutes until 100% smooth. áfter blending, stir in the green chiles ánd tomátoes, but do not blend. I used the whole cán of chiles but you cán use less if you prefer.
  3. ádd the sáuce to á pot ánd heát it over medium-low just for ábout 5 minutes, whisking constántly, until it slightly thickens. Be cáreful ábout overheáting it or it will máke it chunky.
  4. Top with sliced jálápenos or cilántro if desired ánd serve right áwáy. It will get á bit thicker ás it sits ánd overnight in the fridge, so just give it á good stir.
  5. This sáuce is excellent ás á dip át á párty or over burritos or náchos!
Recipe Adapted From thevegan8.com

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