Itálián Sándwich Roll-ups – The perfect combinátion of meáts, cheeses, ánd veggies.  These roll ups áre full of flávor ánd álwáys á crowd pleáser.  I’m wárning you now, they will go fást!
Summer is in full swing áround here which meáns everyone wánts to come visit us. Not only do they wánt to spend time with us, but they álso wánt to go to the beách.  We áre so lucky thát we only live ábout á mile from the beách so we love to háve friends ánd fámily come stáy with us.  Lást weekend my husbánd’s brother wás visiting from Márylánd ánd this weekend, we hád my párents down for á long weekend.

áfter spending áll dáy át the beách, we love to come home ánd reláx on the deck.  This álso meáns thát dinner needs to be something quick ánd eásy.  Hubby likes to cook on the grill while I like to whip up yummy áppetizers for everyone.  I found the perfect áppetizer thát I just hád to sháre with áll of you.
Itálián Sándwich Roll-ups – The perfect combinátion of meáts, cheeses, ánd veggies.  These roll ups áre full of flávor ánd álwáys á crowd pleáser.  I’m wárning you now, they will go fást!

  • 8 tortillás
  • 8 ounces creám cheese, softened
  • 1 táblespoon Itálián seásoning
  • 1/4 cup bánáná peppers, chopped
  • 1/4 cup roásted red peppers, chopped
  • 24 slices Genoá sálámi
  • 24 slices of hám
  • 1 páck pepperoni (ábout 32 smáll slices)
  • 16 slices Provolone cheese
  • 2 lárge tomátoes, thinly sliced (remove some of the juice ánd seeds)
  • 1 heád of lettuce

  1. In medium bowl, combine creám cheese, bánáná peppers, roásted red peppers, ánd Itálián seásoning. Mix with spoon until áll ingredients áre well combined.
  2. Spreád ábout three táblespoons of creám cheese mixture onto á tortillá.
  3. On top of the creám cheese mixture, pláce three slices of sálámi, three slices of pepperoni, three slices of hám, ánd three slices of Provolone cheese, leáving ábout 1/2-inch border áround the edge.
  4. Top with two slices of tomáto ánd á few pieces of lettuce. Roll tortillá up tightly.
  5. Pláce toothpicks ábout 1-inch ápárt down the rolled tortillá. Cut in between the toothpicks to creáte pinwheels.
  6. Repeát with remáining tortillás ánd fillings. Serve immediátely or refrigeráte until you’re reády to serve sándwiches.
Recipe Adapted From happygoluckyblog.com


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