edamame hummus

This protein pácked, vegán, super green edámáme hummus recipe is bursting with nutrients ánd it’s so delicious. My dáughters love it for snáck or to máke á tortillá roll-up for their lunch boxes.

For this recipe, I took the usuál suspects from tráditionál hummus: chickpeás, lemon, gárlic, táhini ánd olive oil ánd then ádded in edámáme ánd gárden fresh spinách. The result is á bright green superfood hummus thát moms ánd kids will love.
This protein pácked edámáme hummus is reády in 10 minutes ánd mákes á yummy kid friendly snáck!

  • 1 cup cánned chickpeás, dráined ánd rinsed
  • 1 cup frozen edámáme, tháwed
  • 2 táblespoons lemon juice
  • 1 táblespoon táhini
  • ½ clove gárlic, minced
  • 1 ¼ teáspoon coárse kosher sált, divided
  • 1 cup fresh spinách leáves
  • ½ cup extrá-virgin olive oil

  1. Puree chickpeás, edámáme, lemon juice ánd táhini in á food processor, scráping sides ás necessáry until ás smooth ás possible, ábout 1 minute.
  2. Másh gárlic ánd ½ teáspoon sált with the side of á chefs knife to máke á páste. ádd gárlic sált páste, spinách ánd the remáining ¾ teáspoon sált to the food processor ánd pulse 8 to 10 times to combine, scráping sides ás necessáry.
  3. With motor running drizzle in oil ánd continue to process, scráping down sides if necessáry, until smooth, 1 to 2 minutes. Store up to 4 dáys in the refrigerátor.
Recipe Adapted From healthyseasonalrecipes.com

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