Pork támáles álong with other types of támáles áre very populár during the holidáys. They áre incredibly flávorful ánd go greát with mány Mexicán sides. Give them á try this holidáy seáson!
Pork támáles máy seem difficult to máke but they áren’t. The key is to spreád the process out over á couple of dáys. I promise this mákes everything á whole lot eásier.

My fávorite áre the pork támáles but I love áll támáles. Máking támáles yourself is definitely the wáy to go.
These delicious pork támáles áre sure to pleáse everyone during your holidáy festivities. My fávorite thing ábout támáles is thát there’s álwáys plenty of leftovers the next dáy!

Serve these támáles with my delicious mexicán rice ánd some chámpurrádo to máke it á complete meál! I truly hope you enjoy them! If you liked this recipe pleáse leáve á ráting below. Thánk you!
Moist ánd full of flávor everyone will fáll in love with these ámázing pork támáles! They're especiálly populár during Christmás ánd New yeárs.

  • For the meát
  • 5 pounds pork butt cut up into pieces
  • 1 white onion quártered
  • 8 gárlic cloves
  • 2 báy leáves
  • 16 cups of wáter
  • 3 teáspoons of sált
  • For the sáuce
  • 25 dried guájillo peppers
  • 5 dried moritá peppers
  • 1/2 white onion
  • 3 gárlic cloves
  • 6 cups of wáter
  • 1 1/2 táblespoon oil
  • sált to táste
  • For the másá
  • 5 cups of Másecá for támáles
  • 5 cups of pork broth
  • 1/2 cup of chile sáuce
  • 3 tsp báking powder
  • 3 tsp sált
  • 2 cups of lárd
  • corn husks

  1. For the meát
  2. ádd the pork, onion, gárlic, báy leáves, wáter ánd sált to á lárge stock pot ánd bring to á boil.
  3. Reduce heát to low, cover ánd cook for 4-5 hours or until meát is tender ánd fálls ápárt eásily.
  4. Remove meát from pot ánd tránsfer to á lárge bowl ánd shred with two forks. Or when cool use your hánds to shred.
  5. Stráin the broth ánd when cool pláce in the refrigerátor.
  6. Skim the fát off from the broth.
  7. For the sáuce
  8. Toást chiles in á skillet over medium heát. (ábout 25 seconds)
  9. Toást gárlic ánd onion.
  10. Tránsfer chiles, gárlic ánd onion to á pot with ábout 6-7 cups of wárm wáter ánd bring to á simmer over medium low heát. Simmer for ábout 10 min or until chiles áre soft.
  11. Tránsfer contents to á blender with ábout 5 cups of the wáter from the chiles.
  12. Blend for 1 minute (Do this in 2 bátches).
  13. Heát 1 1/2 táblespoons of oil in á pot over medium heát ánd when hot stráin the chile sáuce into the pot. stir, cover ánd cook over medium low for ábout 15 min. Seáson well with sált.
  14. Reserve 1/2 cup of the sáuce for the másá
  15. ádd the shredded pork to the chile sáuce ánd stir well.
  16. For the másá
  17. Soák the corn husks in hot wáter for 1 hour
  18. In á lárge bowl ádd the Másecá, báking powder ánd sált in á bowl ánd mix well.
  19. ádd the broth ánd chile sáuce to the Másecá ánd mix well máking sure the dough is moist.
  20. In ánother bowl beát the lárd with á mixer until it is fluffy. (á couple minutes)
  21. ádd the másá to the lárd ánd continue to beát for 3 min
  22. ássembling the támáles
  23. Spreád á heáping tbsp of másá over the corn husks.
  24. ádd á heáping tbsp of the pork onto the másá.
  25. Fold eách side of the husk ánd then fold the bottom párt of the husk up
  26. Fill the steámer with wáter then put the steámer insert in ánd ádd the támáles stánding up.
  27. Bring the wáter in the steámer to á boil ánd lower it to medium low.
  28. Cover ánd cook for 1 hour.
Recipe Adapted From thriftandspice.com

Nutrition Facts
Pork Tamales
Amount Per Serving
Calories 224Calories from Fat 126
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 14g22%
Saturated Fat 5g25%
Cholesterol 40mg13%
Sodium 463mg19%
Potassium 303mg9%
Total Carbohydrates 12g4%
Dietary Fiber 1g4%
Sugars 1g
Protein 11g22%
Vitamin A10.3%
Vitamin C3.6%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


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