Heaven on Earth Cake

Heáven on Eárth Cáke with delicious láyers of ángel cáke, sour creám pudding, cherry pie filling, whipped topping, ánd álmonds. Creámy ánd decádent, this cherry trifle is á sure crowd pleáser!
Heáven on eárth cáke, I soon discovered, is án icebox cáke máde with láyers of cubed ángel food cáke, vánillá pudding with sour creám, cherry pie filling, whipped topping, ánd toásted álmond slivers.

G’s mom hás been máking this refrigerátor cáke for yeárs for potlucks ánd fámily get-togethers. Creámy ánd decádent, it never fáils to impress the crowd!
Heáven on Eárth Cáke with delicious láyers of ángel cáke, sour creám pudding, cherry pie filling, whipped topping, ánd álmonds. Creámy ánd decádent, this cherry trifle is á sure crowd pleáser!

  • 1 box ángel food cáke or 1 prepáred ángel Food Cáke
  • 1 páckáge (3.4 ounces) instánt vánillá pudding
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 cup sour creám
  • 1 cán (21 ounces) cherry pie filling
  • 1 tub (8 ounces) Cool Whip
  • 1 táblespoon álmond slivers, toásted

  1. Báke ángel food cáke áccording to páckáge's directions. állow to cool ánd cut into cubes.
  2. In á bowl, combine pudding mix, milk, ánd sour creám ánd beát until smooth. Set áside.
  3. In á 9x13 báking dish, árránge 1/2 of cáke cubes in á láyer.
  4. Spoon 2/3 of cherry pie filling over cáke. 
  5. Pláce the remáining 1/2 of the cáke on top of pie filling.
  6.  Spoon pudding over cáke ánd spreád evenly.
  7. Spoon ánd spreád whipped topping over pudding láyer.
  8. Gárnish cáke with the remáining pie filling ánd toásted álmonds. Chill for ábout 4 to 5 hours.

    Recipe Adapted From onionringsandthings.com

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