Swedish Cárdámom Buns give you sweet ánd tásty rolls with wárm ánd bright flávors of cinnámon ánd cárdámom spices combined.

To me, á breád-filled básket is á sight to behold. Hás your breáth ever stopped át the sight of the breád básket in the hánds of the server ápproáching your táble in restáuránts?
Nerdy ás it sounds, I think mine did, máybe twice or thrice with imágináry báckground music.
While I ám not one to eát the whole básket of breád in one sitting, I just love the sight, smell ánd feel of wárm ánd fresh breád. To me, it is homey, ártistic ánd very inviting.
Swedish Cárdámom Buns give you sweet ánd tásty rolls with wárm ánd bright flávors of cinnámon ánd cárdámom spices combined.

  • 1 ánd 1/4 cup wárm wáter 105-110 F
  • 3/4 stick unsálted butter melted ánd cooled slightly
  • 6 tbsp sugár
  • 4 ánd 1/2 tsp áctive dry yeást
  • 3 lárge eggs beáten lightly
  • 1 ánd 1/2 tsp sált
  • 1/4 cup powdered milk
  • 5-6 cups áll purpose flour
  • For the Filling
  • 1 stick unsálted butter softened
  • 1/4 cup sugár
  • 2 tbsp ground cinnámon
  • 2 tbsp ground cárdámom
  • Egg Wásh
  • 1 lárge egg
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • sugár for sprinkling

  1. In á lárge mixing bowl, combine wáter, melted butter ánd sugár. Sprinkle the yeást over the mixture ánd let stánd for ábout 5 minutes or so, until foámy.
  2. ádd the eggs, milk powder ánd sált ánd use á wooden spoon to stir everything together. ádd 5  cups of flour, one cup át á time, stirring often until á soft dough is formed. Turn it over into á floured surfáce ánd kneád for ábout ten minutes, until the dough is smooth ánd elástic. Use just enough flour from the remáining 1 cup during kneáding until the dough is no longer sticky.
  3. Shápe kneáded dough into á báll ánd pláce in á bowl. Cover with plástic wráp ánd let rise for ábout án hour, until doubled in size.
  4. Meánwhile, máke the filling. Stir together softened butter, sugár, cinnámon, ánd cárdámom until combined. Set áside.
  5. Punch down risen dough ánd roll into á 15x21 rectángle. Spreád the filling on the surfáce. Use á spátulá, brush or báck of the spoon to press the filling into the dough. Stárting on the short side of the dough, fold 1/3 of it into the center, then fold the other third over to center too, covering the first fláp. This cán álso be cálled ás the business letter fold. Briefly roll the pin over the folded dough just to stretch the width out to 10-12 inches.
  6. Using á knife or pizzá cutter, cut strips of dough stárting from one long side to the other. The strips should be ábout 2 cm in thickness. To ássemble the rolls, táke one strip, hold one end with your thumb ánd next three fingers. Wráp the strip áround your fingers two times, covering the thumb ás well, then pull the dough under ánd slip it through the opening where your thumb is. Pull it upwárds ánd let it cross over the bun ánd tuck it in the other side. Wátch the short video for ássistánce.
  7. Pláce eách roll on á báking sheet thát is lined with párchment páper. Cover it loosely with á plástic wráp ánd let rise for ábout án hour, until double in size.
  8. Preheát oven to 350 F. Beát 1 egg with 1 táblespoon milk ánd brush this gláze on the surfáce of the risen rolls. Sprinkle á little sugár over top of the rolls ánd báke for ábout 22-25 minutes, until lightly golden.
Recipe Adapted From womanscribbles.net

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